• Phone Number: 717-202-0350
Holding your hand when you need us most!

Non-medical, pre-operative care is the care and support provided by specially-trained caregivers before surgery, while post-operative care takes place after surgery. At Eliteservices Homecare, we believe that, in all spheres of life, preparation paves the way for success.

Pre-op care:

Some of the services we provide to ensure ultimate preparation for surgery include:

Making your home safe and comfortable by:

  • Stocking up on food and other supplies you may need before and after surgery
  • Cleaning your house in readiness for your return from the hospital
  • Preparing a temporary bedroom well in advance so that you don’t have to go upstairs
  • Arranging things you may need, like food, dishes, clothes, TV remote, mobile phone chargers, and others at hip or shoulder level so you can reach them without straining yourself.

Arranging for special equipment you may need so you may have a safe and comfortable place to recover from. Such arrangements may include:

  • Having a shower seat installed
  • Having your toilet seat elevated
  • Having handrails and grab bars installed in your bathroom

Other crucial services may include:

  • Transporting or accompanying you to pre-operative medical appointments.
  • Preparing any special meals as advised by your healthcare provider and reminding you of any fasting requirements.
  • Reminding you to take any medications, if required.
  • Transporting you to hospital for surgery.

Post-Operative Care:

After your surgery:

  • We may provide companionship and non-medical assistance at the hospital, if allowed.
  • We will receive non-medical care instructions from your doctors.
  • We will communicate with your loved ones and provide them with important updates concerning your condition.
  • We will transport you back, taking much caution not to injure you or make your ride uncomfortable.

Once home:

  • We will do everything possible to ensure your safety and comfort.
  • We will have a specially-trained caregiver by your side for as long as needed.
  • We will clean up for you, cook nutritious meals, and assist you with mobility and toileting.
  • We will provide you with a safe environment to reduce your chances of falling or encountering other home accidents.
  • We will provide meaningful companionship and friendship.
  • We will keep track of your scheduled medical appointments and transport/accompany you there.

Our specially-trained, non-medical, pre and post-operative team works under the supervision and direction of an RN, MD or an experienced healthcare.

Our services are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, and we can arrange for daily visits, intermittent visits, overnight care, or live-in care.

Feel free to contact us for more information.